Mama, Dad, and Lash were at the polls Tuesday to cast their votes for Democratic hopeful Barack Obama. Mols, hidden discretely beneath Dad's pea coat, resisted pressure from the notorious GB (Grandma Baltau) to vote for Hillary and successfully punched her vote for hope and change. (The chad, for those who are wondering, did not hang but fell clear and free). At the debriefing, between mouthfuls of sweet potatoes, Lash rationalized that while a vote for hope and change may seem hollow and trite on the surface, it was in fact based upon the precept that both optimism and revolution are quintessential values of the democratic archetype. Furthermore, that the amalgamation "hopechange" is an anagram for "Peach Hen Go" which just so happens to be a line from one of Molly's favorite bedtime stories...
"Hopechange", a line from one of your bedtime stories, Molls...what an appropriate setting for soothing fantasies intended to lull one to sleep. (Perhaps this gives us a clue as to an important source for barakababble.. hm.)
But do not worry your pretty head, my Cupcake, and you can erase that slightly dazed, questioning expression from your face (GB gets that very same look when she tries to make sense of the big "O"'s rhetoric).
One day GB will draw on her 38 years of teaching American history and give you the facts (those pesky nuisances)of the accomplishments of the "Hope-for-Change" Presidents...
But these won't be bedtime stories, Miss Molly; they're way too serious...and important.
Hey Molly!
My mommy says that the important thing is that there is a change in November! And yes, your parents are very smart and wonderful people, but there are other choices out there and maybe you should hear GB out. She may have some good points. At least your grandma wants change! My PoaPoa thinks it's John McCain turn. Where did she come up with that one! Thank goodness none of her girls (4 of them) became Republicans, but her son did!
Hey, I hope to see you at the Wiggles in March. Tell your parents it's a really fun show! Gotta go drive my mommy crazy now. She hates that, but I love doing it anyway.
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