Wow! It feels like Molly arrived just yesterday and here we already are at the half year mark! It is truly unbelievable how quickly the time has passed. It seems like just yesterday we brought the mini Lash home and now here we are with a ittle person who sits up on her own, has likes (the plastic dragonfly), dislikes (peas and sweet potatoes), and lots of interesting things to say (dada, mama, and of course AHH-GOO!). Not to mention that today, when we woke her up to celebrate her important chronological milestone, there was tiny TOOTH sticking out of her little, pink gums! Truly, will the wonders never cease?
Molly took the tooth in stride (after we dosed her up with Children's Tylenol she was feeling no pain) and was fully able to enjoy her half birthday festivities. Dad, in a fit of Martha Stewartness, baked her a little cake which looked kind of cute but tasted like sawdust. Lucky for Molly, she was not allowed to eat any...
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