Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Tricks!

Molly showing all her teeth in Catalina!

The little baby is up to lots of new tricks... She has discovered multimedia and now insists that Sesame Street is on 24 hours a day. As you can imagine, her parents are thrilled that they have created a television junkie at such a young age and are currenly putting Molly through a ten step program to wean her off Elmo. Mols has also decided that music must be played when she is riding in the car - her music (which usually makes Dad want to poke his eyes out). Not only that, but she has preferences for certain songs and will tell you after about ten seconds of listening whether or not a song makes the cut (No = "Nah-Nah-Nah"). Such strong opinions at such a young age... I wonder where she gets that Mama?
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Jane said...

La la la la... Elmo's world... He loves his goldfish and crayons too... that's Elmo world! Um welcome to my world! And to add to the fuel, I have 3 row center seats to Elmo's Show at the Nokia in May. Hope to you see guys there!

Jane said...

OH, and the music in the car thing... I have not been able to listen to NPR for past 4 years! Thank goodness it's not the Jonas Brothers (BTW, new album for the 3D movie, so it's a little different). And it's Mickey's Clubhouse when the little boy is in the car with some ABC songs from class!