Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lashing at Manhattan Pier

"We took Molly to the Manhattan Beach Le Pain Quotidien for egg whites and marmalade and then strolled down Pier Avenue past Michael Starr and Lucky Jeans. Molly just LOVED the pier, everyone who is anyone was there..." No, we're not really that snobby but boy did we encounter a few people who were. Picture twin two years olds with matching tiger print scarves... really.

Anyhow, we actually did have fun in Manhattan. Lash was very well behaved at breakfast and kept calling herself the "baby's baby." I wondered if that was sort of like a "guy's guy" a baby who is seen as super cool by other babies? Lash loved the playing in the walk-in fountain near the restaurant and laughed her way down the pier. There wasn't really anyone special there except, of course, for Molly who we think is the most special person of all!
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1 comment:

Jane said...

What a great picture Molly! Who needs matching tiger print scarves when you have a cool daddy that will throw you up in the air... such a cool kid!