As you can probably tell, Molly is also thoroughly enjoying her new "Excersaucer Triple Threat" (it's really called the Triple Action or some other nonsense though for the life of me I can't figure out what actions two and three are). Regardless, Molly loves this vibrant, rollicking, jungle of over- stimulation. Dad also loves it! He loved putting it together (5 hours and a Ph.D. recommended) and he loves seeing it dominate the once tranquil and orderly space that was once the living room. For you new fathers out there: proceed with caution! It starts with a simple bouncy chair and a swing, then before you know it you've got gliders, high chairs, play blankets, and excersaucers dotting the landscape like fluorescent, Dayglo landmines. Of course, it is all worth it when you see your little girl (or boy) break into a smile and laugh - or in Molly's case, squeal like a boiling teakettle :)
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