Life is good at Casa MacDonald. Molly continuously keeps us entertained with her her smiles and squawks (not to mention her diapers, wardrobe malfunctions, regurgitations, etc.). She is growing fast - weighing in at a portly 15.5 lbs. and measuring 24 inches from head to toe (75th percentile on both counts...ahem.. ahem...). She can tripod (kinda) but tends to tip over after a few minutes. She loves to stand when supported by Mom and Dad and is doing her damnedest to roll over. She occasionally accomplishes this incredible feat to the delight of all family members, especially herself! More importantly, Molly has recently graduated from reading "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" to the Economist online. She has also been selected to serve on a council of international peace keepers mediating a solution to the Darfur crisis.
Mom and Dad are also doing well. Mom is doing an outstanding job as Mom to the beloved baby and is starting her final dissertation push (whenever Molly does down for a short sleep). Dad is taking a three week vacation (got to love public schools) and studying for a standardized test which, if successfully navigated, will grant him his Tier 1 Administrative Credential (sounds fancy but really just means he can do more paperwork). Cleo (Cat #1) is getting F-A-T. Dad wonders whether the new food is not metabolizing right or if Cleo is just depressed at being outclassed and under served since Lash's arrival. Max (Cat #2) likes to yowl. Period.
OK. Enough for now. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all!
Love. The MacDonalds.
Molly is adorable! She's getting so big and is doing so much now! I love her outfit with the knit hat and sweater, jeans, and Robeez. Plus the Mollyz-in-the-hood pose is hilarious!
Happy holidays to you three!
Auntie Althea
What a cutie you are Molly!
Tell Daddy to take some time off his studies (they do sell study guides, use them!) and bring you to his old stomping grounds and show you off!
I was very impressed by your steady progress in literacy. Please tell Dad that reading online, even if it is the Economist, is not good for little babies. Have him try to get you more appropriate reading material in book form; may I suggest Roald Dahl to begin with.
Have a great holiday you and your parents, and I expect to hear wonderful things from you in 2008!
Jane (who would have been your kindergarten teacher, but since you will likely be skipping elementary school, maybe I will be get to be your professor in your graduate educational courses instead)
PS: If anyone can bring peace to Darfur, it's you!
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