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June 23rd was Molly's baby shower - and what a shower it was! Hosted by Grandma Shirls at her Palos Verdes estate with chair scrubbing by yours truly it was an event to remember! The red carpet witnessed Deans, Principals, Authors, Ph. D. Candidates, Teachers, Heads-of-State, the Prince of Dubai, and K-Fed (who we had to pay a hundred bucks to make an appearance but was well worth it). Guests mingled in the spacious Baltau backyard and dined on a sumptuous feast of Chinese Chicken Salad, Croissants, and Cupcakes. Party favors included "Welcome Molly" M&Ms and seed packets that would grow along with Molly. How hip is that?
Melissa and Molly were thrilled to have everyone there and felt extremely loved. Reached for comment at an after party at the Standard Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, Melissa said: "It was really special for me to have all the important women in my life in one place to celebrate Molly. I felt really loved and supported and am grateful to all of you that attended. Thank you for your generosity."
34 weeks and counting... Well, the last week and a half has been interesting to say the very least! And exciting? Sure why not. Two Mondays past Melissa awoke in the middle of the night to a curious tightening of her uterus (a.k.a contractions). When they became regular and only minutes apart, we decided to make a dash for the ER! When we arrived the contractions were only two minutes apart! Fortunately, with rest and water Melissa was able to get her uterus under control in no time. Unfortunately, the "false" contractions (Braxton-Hicks to the layperson) have continued to the present day and Melissa (read Melissa and Bill) have had to severely limit their activities to accommodate them. Not to worry though, we've found other ways to fill our time such as putting together co-sleepers, affixing bumpers, and hanging baby art (see nesting instinct)!

Anatomy of a Pregnant Woman
Melissa is starting to slow down a little but that doesn't mean she is on bed rest! In addition to carrying around baby Molly, Melissa is still working full time at UCLA on her dissertation and coordinating a city wide partnership between public schools and colleges. Not to mention that she just received the UCLA Dissertation Scholarship for her fifth year and submitted a chapter to be published in a book on media literacy. Does my wife rule or what? You go Melissa!
And so if she wants to take a little nap once in while? Well, that's just fine by me.
Greeting from month number eight! As you can probably tell from the picture, things are progressing nicely. We still can't believe that Molly's arrival is only weeks away! According the the baby bible (take your pick), Molly is covering herself in vernix (the white fatty layer that protects the skin) this week and packing on the pounds at about 1/2 lb. per week! I, for one, can't wait to meet her! Melissa, of course, is looking wonderful as usual. And she is still in good spirits - unless she's hungry :)
The countdown continues... Can you believe Melissa is almost into her eigth month of pregnancy? To us it seems like just yesterday we were thinking about getting pregnant and now little Molly is set to arrive in just weeks!
We are both very excited about her coming and are doing our best to prepare a warm and beautiful home for her (see the nesting instinct). The ironic thing is that Molly's room (which she won't even inhabit until sometime in 2008) is about a hundred times nicer than our room which we sleep in every night... I'm not quite sure how that happened.
Melissa is feeling good but slowing down just a little bit. This week she started swimming as walking is getting more and more difficult. Molly is still lying transverse (sideways) with her head on Melissa's right side and her feet on her left. We are encouraging her to turn head down for birth with incentives like a midnight curfew and unlimited text messaging to her friends but she remains stubbornly fixed in her favorite position. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your continuing support!
Bill, Melissa, and Molly